Satellite Iridium 76 (Iridium SV076) of Iridium Satellite LLC

Name of Satellite, Alternate Names Iridium 76 (Iridium SV076)
Country of Operator/Owner USA
Operator/Owner Iridium Satellite LLC
Users Government/Commercial
Purpose Communications
Class of Orbit LEO
Type of Orbit Polar
Longitude of GEO (degrees) 0
Perigee (km) 776
Apogee (km) 780
Eccentricity 0.000279798545047566
Inclination (degrees) 86.4
Period (minutes) 100.4
Launch Mass (kg.) 689
Dry Mass (kg.) 556
Power (watts) 1,400 (EOL)
Date of Launch 19-08-1998
Expected Lifetime 8 yrs.
Contractor Motorola Satellite Communications Group
Country of Contractor USA
Launch Site Taiyuan Launch Center
Launch Vehicle Long March 2C
COSPAR Number 1998-048B
NORAD Number 25432
Comments Spare; stored in 667 km storage orbit, not raised to 780 km operational orbit until needed


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